Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/222

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name from the village of Belgram, ſtuate about two miles farther up the country. In a few months after our arrival, the Nabob Aſpa-doulab, in conſequence of a difference with the Fouzdars Maboub and Coſſi-buſant, ariſing from their non-compliance to pay the uſual annual tribute, due for ſome time, collected his troops together, in order to march againſt them, having firſt: diſpatched an expreſs to General Stibbert, who commanded our army, acquainting him of his intended expedition, and reqeſting his immediate aſſiſtance. At the inſtance of Aſpah-doulah, two regiments of Seapoys, under the direction of Colonel Parker, were ordered to a place called Coragh, ahout
