Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/253

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ent to ſupport his extravagance, and gratify his unbounded love of plea ſure.

Some time before Sujah-doulah's death, he repeatedly ſent to Mulna-hoffis, Nabob of the Rohellas, for the cuſtomary tribute, which the latter, on conſulting his Officers, not only refuſed to pay, but even threatened, vi et armis, to oppoſe him. Sujah-doulah, without delay, having acquainted General Champion of his conduct, was reinforced by him, and marched with brave auxiliaries to the Rohellas, where he met the numerous troops of the enemy on the field of battle, and warmly engaged them, until victory inclining to our ſide, conferred on
