Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/263

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is a ſuperb edifice, open at both ſides and covered with a ſpacious dome, ſupported by thirty marble pillars of maſterly workmanſhip, ornamented with painted flowers. It contains a grand hall, the aſcent to which, is by a flight of marble ſteps, and in the centre is an alcove magnificently embelelliſhled, where the grand Mogul is proudly ſeated on a brilliant throne, glittering with diamonds, and a pfofuſin of coſtly jewels.

The hiſtory of the revolutions of his court is fraught with ſo much fiction, that it would be impoſſible to reconcile it to reaſon or reflection; yet if we believe the records and traditions of the natives, it's
