Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/276

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him horſe, on which he received the ſalute of the Officers. Colonel Ironſide ranged: the troops in the following order: the Cavalry were placed on the right and left wing; three regiments of a Seapoys on each ſide next to them; and the European infantry in the centre. At firſt, they were all reviewed in one body, and afterwards formed different corps, obſerving the moſt exact diſcipline and regularity in their various evolutions, which gave much, ſatisfaction to the General, Officers, and numerous ſpectators. Aſpa-donlah, in particular, was exceeding pleaſed with the beauty and order of our tactics, and expreſſed his approbation in the terms of that lively kind of gratitude
