Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/284

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root of which is about the thickneſs of a man's finger, full of a bitter juice that runs through the whole plant. The flower reſembles a roſe, and the ſtem which is commonly pliable, grows to the height of two cubits, and produces a kind of leaves (not unlike thoſe of the lettuce) oblong, indented, curled, and of a ſea-green colour. When it is full of ſap, a flight inciſion is made on the outſide, from which flow ſome drops of a milky nature. Theſe drops ſoon congeal; and when moiſtened and kneaded with warm water and honey, become more conſiſtent and viſcous like pitch; after this proceſs, the glutinous matter is made into ſmall cakes fit for immediate uſe, The good kind is that, which
