Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/289

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and ſummariy diſpatched in the Eaſtern manner. The buildings are in the Gentoo and Moriſque ſtyle; and the houſes of the great art ſo contrived that their gate-ways are defenſible againſt any ſudden irruption of a few armed men. The private apartments are backwards for the greater ſecurity of the women, of whom the Moors, eſpecially, are extremely jealous. They have always, at leaſt, one room, in each dwelling, where a fountain is kept playing in the middle of it, by the murmurs of which they are lulled to ſleep, and refreſhed by the coolneſs it diffuſes through the apartment. Their ſaloons, which they call diwans, entirely open on one
