Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/295

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the mouth of it is expoſed. The caſtle is a regular quadrangle, well built of ſtrong hard ſtone; and round the iſland there are ſeveral little out-forts and redoubts. The Engliſh Church at Bombay, is a neat, airy Building, ſtanding on the Green, a large ſpace of ground, and pleaſantly laid out in walks planted with trees, round which are moſtly the houſes of the Engliſh inhabitants. Theſe conſiſt only of ground-floors, after the Roman faſhion, with a court-yard before and behind, offices, and out-houſes. They are ſubſtantially built with ſtone and lime, and white-waſhed on the out-ſide, which has a decent appearance, but very offenſive to the
