Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/321

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it receives it's proviſions, the trunk ſerving the purpofſs of a hand to feed it, and a weapon to defend it. So ſtrong is this powerful animal, that it can lift a prodigious weight; and ſo delicate in the ſehſation of feeling, that it can take the ſmalleſt piece of, coin from the ground; delights much in water, and will ſwim a, great way.

They are taken by ſtratagem in different parts of India, as they deſcend from the mountains, where they feed; to the lakes or rivers, to water. The hotteewallies, or people employed to take them dig deep trenches in their direction, which they conceal with reeds covered over with earth and graſs;
