Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/332

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after, to ſupport the aſſailants, and direct the entire expedition. Captain M'Clary was ordered with his battalion to march round towards the town, and intercept Ambaſſee, a Morattoe Chief; who had cantoned in it with four hundred horſe; and Captain Clode was left in charge of the camp, at Raypore, near four coſs from Ganlin. In this diſpoſition, the party advanced by private roads, and arrived at the foot of the rock, an hour before day—break. Captain Bruce's people were provided with ſacks of coarſe cloth, ſtuffed with cotton, to prevent the noiſe of their feet in mounting, and juſt as they arrived, the guards of the fort were going their rounds, (as is the cuſtom with the Chokeedars) their lights
