Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/337

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there is no difficulty ſo arduous which may not be ſubdued, by the reſolution and perſeverance of a Britiſh ſoldier.

The Morattoe parties in this country, having heard with aſtoniſhment of the ſurrender of Canlin, began to dread; and venerate the very names of the conquerors; and ſhortly after it was ſurpriſed, they evacuated eight forts, which (they they had formerly taken from.the Raja of Ghoad. From due of the apartments of the Imperial palace, built by Akbar, within the fort, I looked down, and beheld, as it were from the clouds, the town, four hundred feet below me ſuch an awful ſcene forms a ſubject for the
