Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/343

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ral loads of corn drawn by bullocks, with which I travelled, and joined the army at Buxar. From the early intelligence of the Seapoy, who eſcaped before me, the greateſt ſurprize, and even doubt of the reality of my exiſtence at my arrival, was almoſt graven on every countenance, as the prevailing opinion unaninimouſly agreed on by all parties, was, that I had fallen a ſacrifice with the other Seapoy to the rage and reſentment of the country people.

From Buxar we marched for Caunpore, where we arrived in the latter end of February. On the firſt of March, Capt. Baker took the command of the battalion of Seapoys in Major Roberts' regiment, to which.
