Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/345

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Caulpee, and then returned to Caunpore, Where our ſtay was of no long continuance.

About this time Governor. Haſtings having required of Cheyt-ſing his ſtipulated ſubſidies, towards deffraying the expences of the late war with Hyder Ally; and finding him either unwilling or unable to pay them, ſent a guard conſiſting of two companies of Seapoys to afreſſt him: the alarming news of his being made a priſoner, ſoon ſpread through the country, and rouſed the indignation of his troops, who were ſeen in a large body, croſſing the river from Ramnagur to the palace, in which he was confined. The two companies of our Seapoys, who formed
