Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/353

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pany of artillery, and two of European infantry; and the other under Major. V. Roberts, which marched by the route of Lecknow. Early, on the tenth of September, Majors Crabb and Crawford, at the head of their reſpective corps, appeared within view of Chunur on the oppoſite ſhore then following day, the Nabob Aſpah-doulah arrived, and encamped at, the ſame ſide of the river; and ſhortly after Major Roberts came from Lecknow, with his troops. The Engliſh croſſed the river, and joined Major Popham, who had now the command of four . complete regiments, one battalion of Colonel Blair, another of the Nabob's life guards, two companies of Europeans; one of artillery, and one
