Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/369

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Engliſh; and when the Fouzdar, conſiſtent with his duty; attempted to collect the cuſtomary revenues, he was every where oppoſed, and with the greateſt difficulty eſcapcd the fury of the natives.

On the firſt riſe of the male-contents, he wrote to the Governor for a reinforcement of troops to aſſiſt his own, wich were quite' inſufficient to quell the inſurrection, Captain Baker was therefore {ant to his relief form Ramnagur, with his battalion. The day-after our arrival at Gochipur, we marched onward to a little village called Bellaa, where the motley crew were aſſembled within a ſmall mud fort, ſeemmingly determined to maintain an obſtiniate defence,
