Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/51

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the centre; the European Gentlemen on each ſide; and the Muſic in the front. The Raja, on this occaſion, is attended by his Aid-du-Camps and Servants of rank. Dancing girls are now introduced, affording, at one time, extreme delight, by ſinging in concert with the Muſic, the ſofteſt and melt lively airs; at another time, diſplaying ſuch looſe and faſcinating attitudes in their various dances, as would warm the boſom of an Anchoret: while the ſervants of the Raja are employed in letting oil the fire-works, diſplaying, in the moſt aſtoniſhing Variety, the forms of birds, beaſts, and other animals, and far ſurpaſſing any thing of the kind I ever beheld in Europe: and to give additional
