Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/53

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about twelve o'clock, and the company retired, the Raja to his palace, and the Officers to, their quarters.

I was highly pleaſed with the appearance of the military. Gentlemen, among whom I firſt beheld Mr. Baker, who particularly drew my attention: I followed him without any reſtraint through every part of the palace and tents, and remained a ſpectator of "the entire ſcene of pleaſure, till the company broke up; and then returned home to my mother, who felt ſome anxiety in my abſence. When I deſcribed the gaiety and ſplendor I beheld at the entertainment, ſhe ſeemed very much diſſatiſfied; and expreſſed, from maternal tenderneſs, her ap— prehenſions of loſing me.
