Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/69

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different military evolutions of the men in the field, and on ſuch occaſions, I was clad myſelf in ſuitable regimentals. Capt. Gravely in particular, was very fond of me, and never paſſed by without calling to know how I was. This kind attention gradually diſpelled the gloom which, in ſome penſive moments, hung over my mind ſince the laſt tender interview. My poor mother under all the affliction of parental anxiety, and trembling hope for my return, ſent my brother as an advocate for her to Mr. Baker, to whom he offered four hundred rupees, conceiving it would be a means of inducing him to ſend me back: but Mr. Baker had a ſoul ſuperior to ſuch ſordid purpoſes, and far from accepting
