Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/83

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Surgeons, had each one marquee. On account of their peculiar duty in furniſhing the camp, the Quarter Maſters had, beſides their own, other tents for their Serjeants, Artificers, and ſtores. The Seappys lay behind their beltons, in the ſame poſition as the Europeans, and their Officers, according to rank, were accommodated much in the ſame manner. The hoſpital was in a pleaſant grove not remote from the camp, about half a mile from which were the magazine and other ſtores for ammunition and military accoutrements; and on an eminence, at ſome diſtance, over the wide plain, where we encamped, aroſe in military grandeur, the ſuperb marquees of
