Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/91

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The former natives of this part of the world, whoſe purity of manners is ſtill perpetuated by ſeveral tribes of their poſterity, having foreſeen the abſolute neceſſity of ſuch refreſhment, and that in the region they inhabited, none could be more ſeaſonable than founts of water for the uſe of ſucceeding generations, contrived theſe inexhauſtible ſources of relief in ſituations moſt frequented; and to prevent any thoughtleſs vagrant from polluting them, took care to inſpire the people with a ſacred piety in favour of their wells and a religious dread of diſturbing them. For this reaſon, they remain pure and undefiled, through every age, and are held in the moſt: profound veneration. Wherever
