Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/94

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and Meſſieurs Baker, Scott, Beſnard, and the Artillery Quarter Maſter, ſet out before the army, between one and two o'clock in the morning, with the baggage and military ſtores, in the middle of the year 1771. We continued on the march near a month, and when we came within thirty miles of Monghere, a ſmall antique houſe, built on a rock in the middle of an iſland, in the Ganges, attracted our notice: we halted towards the cloſe of the evening, at ſome diſtance from it: the next day, Mr. Baker, Mr. Beſnard; and the other Gentlemen, made a hunting match: I accompanied them: and about noon, after the diverſion was over, we turned our horses towards the water ſide,
