Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/98

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was intended for his gueſts, was laid a larger fire outſide the door. When we ſpent a little time in obſerving every thing curious inſide his reſidence, he preſented us ſome mangoes and other agreeable fruit, which we accepted; and parted our kind hoſt, having made him ſome ſmall acknowledgment for his friendly reception, and paſſed encemiums on the neatneſs of his abode and the rural beauty of his garden.

We paſſed over to the continent in a boat, belonging to the Faquir, that conveyed proviſions from the Iſland to the people Paſſing up and down the river, who left him in return ſuch commodities as he moſt wranted; and joined the army which
