Page:The Truth About Jesus by Mangasarian.djvu/35

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Is Jesus a Myth?

the Bible's sake, nor yet for the love of heaven, or the fear of hell. My only protection is to be rational — to be truthful. In other words, the preacher can afford to ignore common sense in the name of Revelation. But if I depart from it in the least, or am caught once playing fast and loose with the facts, I will irretrievably lose my standing.

In Use Upon Heathen Altars Centuries Before Christianity.

Our answer to the question, Is Jesus a Myth? must depend more or less upon original research, as there is very little written on the subject. The majority of writers assume that a person answering to the description of Jesus lived some two thousand years ago. Even the few who entertain doubts on the subject, seem to hold that while there is a large mythical element in