Page:The Truth About Jesus by Mangasarian.djvu/41

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The Problem Stated

The Persian God, Mithra. All the Gods Have the Solar Disc Around Their Heads, Showing That Sun-Worship Was One of the Earliest Forms of Religion.

him to assign to his God-child a star in the heavens. The belief that the stars determine human destinies is a very ancient one. Such expressions in our language as "ill-starred," "a lucky star," "disaster," "lunacy," and so on, indicate the hold which astrology once enjoyed upon the human mind. We still call a melancholy man, Saturnine; a cheerful man. Jovial; a quick-tempered man. Mercurial; showing how closely our ancestors associated the movements of celestial bodies with human affairs.[1] The prominence, therefore, of the sun and stars in the Gospel story tends to show that

  1. Childhood of the World.—Edward Clodd