Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/120

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out for the defects. That is not the right spirit. One must be just and kindly in one's attitude.

The very best time to demand relative perfection is before you are married, when there is time to change your mind about getting married.

It is indispensable for married happiness that one shall choose wisely, use common sense, good judgment in making one's choice, know what one likes and does not like, and what the married partner must have as a basis for pleasing you.

Then one must not say, as some young folks nowadays say, "Oh, I guess it doesn't much matter if he is not perfect. We can get divorced if we do not find ourselves congenial." It is too big a price to pay, to enter into the intimacies of married life in order to find out if the other party is congenial. Find out beforehand.

You will never find absolute perfection, but you can find qualities that you know will suit and will stand the test.

Don't throw yourself away into the arms of one who is unworthy and who will not appreciate you nor understand you. Get as near perfection as you can, and then, if you really love deeply, you will see perfection where others see imperfection. It takes genuine love to see the good points in another.
