Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/40

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ages. Careful study of conditions beforehand need not be accompanied by sex indulgence.

Another difficulty that comes to mind is the fact of easy divorce. If a divorce be granted in the case of a companionate marriage, what is there to prevent a divorce by mutual consent in the case of unhappiness developing after children come, when the marriage has become a "family marriage?" Provided of course that in the separation agreed upon provision is made for the maintenance of wife and children, as now?

In other words, if we once admit that marriage may be ended at the will of both parties in a given case, what is to prevent easy divorce for everybody? Does not the plan, whatever its appearance, mean only universal divorce, an easy divorce, and that without a trial to ascertain the facts as to justice or injustice done?

Suppose in a companionate marriage one of the parties continues to be in love, how will it relieve the other partner of a disagreeable situation? If the woman to the agreement—I hesitate to call her a wife when she has not assumed the responsibilities of wifehood—desires to become a mother and thereby continue with the man who, secretly or openly, desires his freedom to enter into a new relationship,
