Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/48

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is too bad, sometimes, but it is true. Women like to look up to men and to respect them. This respect may be based on mentality or character or talent, but there must be respect. A woman despises a man who is not as intelligent as she is, and she is apt to show it in what she says to him and in the way she treats him.

So, be sure that you have respect for your husband's intelligence before marriage. For you want to be happy in marriage.

Do not marry him to educate him or to reform him morally. You will undoubtedly see many things that need reform, but when it comes to undeveloped brain power or to morals, you will have uphill work.

Of course, women often marry to get a home.

That is not the best kind of reason for marriage, but many people get through life in comparative happiness where the marriage has resulted from the woman's desire to be provided for rather than because of her love for her future partner.

Mutual love is absolutely essential for a perfectly happy marriage, and it ought to exist before marriage; but often after marriage, where love has not been the real basis beforehand, a strong affection may develop, especially if the husband is kind and strong and has his wife's respect because of intelligence and character.
