Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/65

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girls and women are no doubt musical, or artistic in other ways. Some have studied books and some have studied chiefly in the school of human nature.

But many of them seem to have studied little at all, if one may judge from what we see in their faces. It strikes me that some of them, in spite of their obvious good looks, are of the dumb-bell variety. I have nothing to say against them. It takes all kinds of people to make a world. There are just as many dumb-bells of the male variety.

Do you know that after a while one gets tired of staring at people in this way, for one does not really see into the soul of those who pass us on the street. We are seeing very superficially.

Many of these people may have delightful natures. They may be intensely interesting if we were to come into closer contact. And some of them that appear interesting may turn out to be so common in thought and feeling, and by common I mean commonplace and perhaps a little rough and unpolished, that one feels the difficulty of getting a solution of your problems as to the girl you ought to marry from seeing girls in the street.

Yet a crowd is always fascinating if one has a vivid imagination and can follow home in imagination a person who attracts his attention and see what
