Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/68

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to your inheritance and training? Nothing separates more deeply in an interior way than religion, and sometimes religious prejudices.

Is she willing to adjust herself to you and to your life and to your income? Does she know what your income is, and what your prospects are, and if she says it makes no difference what you earn, and she doesn't know what a difference the lack of income makes in one's life, can you make her understand? Many girls in their enthusiasm are willing to undertake marriage with a man of small income but when the hard times come and the lack of nice things cut into the quick they are filled with rage at the situation, and a man's troubles really begin.

What does she think of the coming of children? Does she love them, love them enough to go through childbirth and the hardships of child training? It takes a big feminine soul to meet life on this side. But what beauty is revealed in unselfish motherhood!

Try to look through your girl's eyes into her soul and find out if she is fundamentally selfish.

See if she is cruel.

See if she is domineering and insists on her way in everything. Be sure if she does you will be crushed,—at least will suffer bitterly by her insistence.

Ask yourself if she is fickle. A fickle woman can
