Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/71

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marily looking for a mate. But he will not be happy unless he is properly mated. He may choose a girl because of her good looks or her style or her charm, always thinking whether she will be a credit to him in the eyes of his friends.

Frankly, if you are only a beautiful dumb-bell, or a domesticated dumb-bell, or any other kind of a dumb-bell, you are probably not the kind to make him or any other man happy. Unless also he is a dumb-bell.

If you realize that you are some sort of a dumb-bell, do not marry a brilliant man. He will get fearfully tired of you, even if you are beautiful.

A rich man—the kind that most girls are looking for—may be proud of your good looks and like to show you off before his friends because of their admiration of your looks, despite the fact that you are a dumb-bell, but it will be much as he would show off his dog or his horse or his golf clubs or anything else that was his particular property and aroused interest.

But you will not in that case be married. You will be only a piece of personal property kept for show purposes, paying for it in a way that will take away your self-respect and leave your soul very empty. For dumb-bells have souls, even though dumb.

Whether you are a dumb-bell or not, be careful
