Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/81

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each other, and above all else forget the children who witness such behavior.

Now as to training young people as to marriage. It is too late for myriads to get the instruction they need from high school and college. Can the truth be told them successfully through the movies?

Of course, it could be done, if those who write scenarios were interested in making happy marriages instead of exploiting sex in unwholesome ways.

By and by someone is going to do this work of educating young people through the movies in the art of making happy marriages.

Of course, it will not be done by uninteresting, abstract presentations of dry facts, but by real flesh and blood stories of real people.

Possibly one of the most useful things for young people to learn to do is to analyze character—first their own and then that of a prospective mate. It is hard to analyze character when it comes to the one who interests us with a view to marriage.

What is character? It is made up of three things. And they are all important. They are inheritance, environment and our personal reaction to situations that arise. Inheritance, environment, and personal reaction. That is easy to remember.
