Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/89

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But what if you are already married and find out that you and your partner do not look at life in the same way, do not think alike, do not like the same things, are not congenial?

It is a hard problem to know what to do, but it is not very easy when we have built a house to live in and find it is not just what we wanted to move out at once. When we undertake obligations in business we have to live up to them. We have to make the best of situations that arise in life.

Sometimes, in the case of not getting on with people about us, the fault lies in ourselves. We ought to examine ourselves very thoroughly to see if we cannot improve our relationships by making a few changes in our own ways of thinking and acting.

The trouble with many people who get married and are not happy is that they have expected the mere fact of being married to make them happy and have done nothing to bring about happiness.
