Page:The Unconquered Air, Coates, 1912.djvu/64

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"In their plains the neighing of horses is heard nightly, and men are seen fighting; and those who purposely come as hearers or spectators into these plains suffer for their curiosity; but such as are accidentally witnesses of these prodigies are not injured by the anger of the dæmons. The Marathonians highly honor those that have fallen in battle and give them the appellation of heroes."—Pausanias.

Every night at Marathon
(Shepherd boy, beware!)—
Every night at Marathon
Sounds are in the air:
Ghostly sounds, the heart dismaying,
As of maddened horses neighing,
Over all the plain.

Every night at Marathon
(Boy, the vision fly!)—
Every night at Marathon,
'Neath a darkened sky,
Form with form in shadow blending,
Warrior-shapes are seen contending
As in conflict vain.

These are they at Marathon

(Mark, O shepherd-lad!)