Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/154

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Canada, In communities mainly consisting of Englishmen and Scotchmen, it does not prevail to the same extent, therefore the more emigration we have of these classes, the better for the coloured people. I am persuaded, if these were in majority in Canada no prejudice would exist. May God hasten the period when the glorious text shall be fully realized, "He is no respecter of persons; but every one, in every nation, that feareth God and worketh righteousness, is accepted of Him." As to their general morality the following will suffice:—In 1858, there were 1982 arrests and summonses to appear before the Court,—of these 81 were coloured. Putting down the population in round numbers at 24,000, the proportion of arrests would be about one in 12½, estimating the coloured population for convenience of calculation at 550, would be a fraction over one in seven. The fact of their being almost exclusively emigrants, the proportion of adults among the coloured people is greater than the population at large, some deduction must therefore be made from their proportionate criminality. Beggary and pauperism are almost unknown among them. Not a coloured person in this place is supported by the Township. They feel their position, and know that they are on their trial, and that they have a character to establish and maintain.

St. Catherine's, perhaps about 32 miles from Hamil-