Page:The Under-Ground Railroad.djvu/16

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Clayton Place, Kennington Road, London,

August 20, 1860.

My dear Sir,

I read and re-read your small work with deep attention and interest, and rejoice that in your forthcoming publication you are about to supply some authentic narratives of the perilous adventures and, in most instances, great sufferings of those who are courageous enough to leave the house of bondage for the home of freedom; while I think your book will be a valuable addition to our Anti-Slavery literature, I am desirous that it should do more than merely furnish reading to the friends of the Slave. I earnestly wish it may excite such an active and liberal sympathy as may lead to the speedy contribution of the sum which is needed to enable you to accomplish the object of your mission, and then to return to that field of ministerial and benevolent labour which you have left behind you.

I can, with confidence recommend you to the Abolitionists of Great Britain, having made myself acquainted with your credentials. Knowing, also, that you are the Authorised Agent of the Free Mission Society, and that you possess the esteem and good opinion of those whom you represent in Canada. The work in which you are engaged is a most important one, both in connection with the welfare of those who are fortunate enough to escape from Slavery into the British dominions, and the progressive improvement and elevation, morally and religiously, of the coloured community of Western Canada.

It is my sincere hope that through the publication of your "Under-ground Railroad," and your other efforts, your labours