Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/194

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DU'?.T8) GLUTS) ?f,C. 191' HERE'S A HEALTH TO ALL GOOD LASSElS., HzR?-'s a health to all good lasses, Pledge it merri?, fall your glasses, Let the bumper toast go round; May they live a life of pleasure, Without mixture without mea?u-e, For with them true joys are fotmd. THE FAIRIFS' SONG.?A TRXO. WITHIlq' this shelter'd mossy dell, From mortal ken, we fairies dwell, When the garish eye of day Beqms_ abroad its golden ray. Light dancing on the daisied ground, Our wanton rings we trace around, When the moon, with paly light, - Gems the modest brow of night. Aroqmd tho mrmhroon'a tawny breasts 'Tia there we hold our elfin-feast; Honey'd fitores of saffron hue, Acorn cupz.of nectar'd dew. 0 sweetly ?hu8 our moments Till soon the rosy dawn we Then to taste the balmy sleep In purple hells we softly creep. THE ?' CHORUS. WE roam thro' the forest and over the mountain, No joys of the court or the banquot like this; And then sunset glowing by someleafy-fountain, To crown our red goblet with young beauty's klf?