Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/233

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?,ld ones are two d?vile haunted ?h blm Young ?es a? new ?vb rab?g despa?: ?tO? ? n?s ?bhi? t?ir Ad?u to ?1 pu? ?d bachelor's ?m. T? such ?ily da?, on? swat ?!? ?n m em?te'd by w?n?i? ?d ?: Wives turn jolly days to melancholy days, All perp!exin? and vexing one's life; Child?m a? l?omus, maid-servants fly at us, Mammy to quiet us, gTowls like a bear; Polly is squalling, and Molly is bawling, Wl?le dad is recalling his bachelor's fare. When they ire ol&r frown, then they are boldor Turning your temper, and sp? your rule: Girls, through foolishnero, panion, or mulishnoss, Bo?_slarry your wishes aod marry a fool. will anticipate, lavish and dissipate, 1 that your busy pate hoarded With care; Then tell me what jollity, fun, and frivolity, Equals in quality bachelor's fare. JACK, VAT AI?. YOU ARTE]? 'Twxs summer-time when Nan and [ (And Nan wu born to charm me) Once met bceidu the grunters' And cried, "now, Jack, don't harm meP' - Harm you," says l, "dear creature, no! But heart for heart we'll barter," "Vy yes," says she, "you tell me so; But Jeek, vat are you arterY" Sa?l, ? you know 'twas Christmas last hen we agreed to wed, love! And, while the cellar-door was fast, The sweetest things you s?id, love!