Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/239

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Then my once single state I sigh for in vain, O' give me my lonely sky-parlor again! I'd be blest in that garret, exposed to'the air, I'd be blest in a cellar, in short--any wherel But Home! hom?, &e WIDOW WADDLE. MRs. WA?LE WaS a widow, and she got no little gain, She kept a tripe and trotter shop in Chicksbiddy Lane; Her nextSloot neighbor, Tommy Tick, a Tallyman ?, he, And he ax'd Mrs. Waddle just to take a cup of tea- With a tick a tee, tick a tee, &e. Mrs. Waddle put her chintz on, and seat for Sammy �Sprig, The titivating barber, to frizify her wig; Tommy Tick he dres?d in po.mpadour, with doubled channelled pumps, ' And looked when he'd his jazy on, jaat like the Jack of Trumps. With a tick a tee, tick a tee, Mrs. Waddle came in time for tea, and down they tat togethor, 'I?h?y talked about the prisa of things, the fazhion and the weather; She staid to supper too, for Tommy Tick, witho? a doubt, �Was none of them that ax? you to ' tea and turn out.' With a tick a tee, tick a t?e, ? Thus Tommy Tick, he won her heart, and they w?m married fast, But a?! ?o. loving waz at first, 'twaz thought it could