Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/53

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?0 SCOTCH SONO1J. While lanely I stray ;n the calm simmer igl?tm?, � To muse on sweet Jessie, the fiow'r o' Dumblane. How sweet is the brier wi' its salt f'aulding blossom, And sweet is the birk wi' its mantle o' green, Yet sweeter an' fairer an' (?ear to my bosom, Is lovely young Je9sie? the flow'r o' Dumblane, Is lovely young Jessie, is lovely young Jessie, Is F?)vely young ?sie, the ffow'r o' Dumblane. f]h9;s modest u ony, .an' Myth as. she's bonny, -?'?r *guileless simplicity mm-ks her its &in, An' far be the villa;n divested o' feeling, Wlm'd blight in its blossom the sweet flow'r o' DraB- Sing on, thou sweet Mavis, thy hymn to the e'ening r Thou'rt deex to the echoes o' Czlderwood glen, Sao dear to this bosom, aae artless and winning, Is choym?n? young Jessie, the fiow'r o' DumblaSs. How lost were ?ys, till ! met wi' my aN?sie, ri?he wports o' city seem'd foolish and vain, I ne'er saw a nymph I would e?r' my de?r lassie, T*dl chann'd wi' sweet Jessie, the fbw'r o' Dum- blane, ?ho' mine were -the station o' loftiest grandeur, . ,kinlOst its profusion I'd languish in pain, An' reckon u naething the height o' ?ts splendorr fiow'r o' Dumb. If wanting mveot*Jeasle, the -- THE IANI?O OF ROYAL CHARI,? THBItB'S newS from Moidart cam' Will tq, on gar mony.fartie, For ships oF war hae just come in, And l?nded Roysl Cha?*lie; Come thro' the heathers Aroond h? ?ther)