Page:The Universal Songster and Museum of Mirth.djvu/80

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SCOTOH? SOmM. 77 And a'?o plksu our good man, For he's both leal and truo? There's nae luck, &c. 8ae sweet ?is voice, sae smooth hif tongue, His 5reath's like catder air, ? very tread has music in't, As he comes up the stair. There's nae luck, And will I see his face again.) And will Phear him speak? I'm downright dizzy wi' the joy, And.e'en l'm like to greet. There's nae luck, &c. THE JOLLY BEGOAI?. R P? C IT. g ?'I ?rO. WH?-? lyart leaves bestrow the yird, Or waver?g like the Baockie-bird, Bedim catdd Boreas' bl?st; When hail stanes drive wi' bitter skita, And infant frosts begin. to bit�, In hoary cranreuch drear! Ae night at e'en a marry corn O' randie gangtel bodies, In Poosie-Nansie's held the splore, To drink their orm dmtdi?s! Wi ? quffing and laughing, They ranted and they sang; Wi' jumping and thumping, The vets girdle rang. First niest the fire in auld md rags, Ane sat, weel brae'd wi' moal? b?, And knapsack a' in order; � His doxy lay within hi? arm, 0,?,?,?Google