Page:The Universe, a poem - Baker (1727).djvu/16

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Sleep over all expands her silky Wings,
Care finds Repose, recruited Vigour springs.

Now Eastward turn: lo, thence serenely bright,
The full-orb'd Moon diffuses Silver Light:
In solemn State begins her silent Round:
The lengthen'd Shadows tremble on the Ground.
From the cool Skies the balmy Dew distills:
The Meads rejoyce: the waving Harvest fills.
Onward she leads along her sparkling Train,
In order marshall'd, o'er the azure Plain:
On Earth, benign, bestows her borrow'd Ray,
Dispels the Gloom, and emulates the Day.
The Nightingale from every Thicket sings,
And toward some Grot the Owl directs her flagging Wings.

Observe, obedient to their Maker's Pow'r,
Both Sun and Moon know their appointed Hour:
