Page:The Universe, a poem - Baker (1727).djvu/40

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In Ambush on the River's Bank he lies,
Thirsting for Blood: around he rolls his Eyes,
With Hunger pain'd:———What can his Fury stay?
Dreadful he rouses up, and rushes on the Prey.

When yet an Egg, and cover'd o'er with Sand,
His Parents left him, helpless on the Strand,
What Pow'r, but God's alone, could give him Birth,
And raise the Monster crawling from the Earth?

The Whale to Him owes that enormous Size,
Which makes the Seas in foaming Mountains rise.
Urg'd on by him the Billows brave the Shore,
And from his Jaws ejected Rivers pour.
With his wide Tail he drives the Ocean round,
Whilst hollow Rocks reverberate the Sound.
High o'er the Floods in State he proudly rides,
And with his Bulk beats back the flowing Tides:
Not him the roaring Hurricane affrights;
He in the Tempest plays, and in the Storm delights.
