Page:The University Hymn Book.djvu/140

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EPIPHANY. (11 10. 11 10. D.)
Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810–1870).

  \new Staff
    \tempo 2 = 104
    \key e \major
    \time 4/2 \omit Staff.TimeSignature
    \clef "treble"
    \new Voice \relative c''
      b1 e2 cis2 | b1 a2 gis2 | fis2( e2) gis2 fis2 | e1 dis2 r2 \bar "||"
    \new Voice \relative c'
      b1 cis2 cis2 | fis1 dis2 dis2 | dis2( cis2) cis2 cis2 | b1 b2 r2 \bar "||"
  \new Staff
    \key e \major
    \time 4/2 \omit Staff.TimeSignature
    \clef "bass"
    \new Voice \relative c'
      gis1 gis2 gis2 | b1 b2 b2 | gis1 b2 a2 | gis1 fis2 r2  \bar "||"
    \new Voice \relative c
      e1 e2 e2 | dis1 b2 b2 | cis1 a2 a2 | b1 b2 r2 \bar "||"