Page:The University Hymn Book.djvu/390

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MERINGEN. (8 6,8 6, 8 8.) đ…—đ…„=88.

Christian Gottlieb Neefe (1748–1798).

William Cullen Bryant (1794–1878).

O north, with all thy vales of green,
O South, with all thy palms,
From peopled towns and fields between
Uplift the voice of psalms;
Raise, ancient East, the anthem high.
And let the youthful West reply.

Lo! in the clouds of heaven appears
God's well-beloved Son;
He brings a train of brighter years ;
His kingdom is begun.
He comes, a guilty world to bless
With mercy, truth, and righteousness.

O Father, haste the promised hour,
When at his feet shall lie
All rule, authority, and power,
Beneath the ample sky;
When he shall reign from pole to pole,
The Lord of every human soul:

When all shall heed the words he said
Amid their daily cares,
And by the loving life he led
Shall seek to pattern theirs;
And he, who conquered death, shall win
The nobler conquest over sin.