Page:The University Hymn Book.djvu/411

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Henry Smart (1813-1879).

[By permission of Novello & Co. Ltd.]

O BE joyful in the Lórd, | all ye | lands: Serve the Lord with gladness * and come befóre his | presence | with a | song.

Be ye sure that the Lórd | he is | God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves * we are his people, ánd the | sheep of | his — | pasture.

O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving * and into his | courts with I praise: Be thankful unto him, and [ speak good | of his | name,

For the Lord is gracious * his mércy is | ever- | lasting: And his truth endureth from géner- | ation to | gener- | ation.

Glory be to the Fáther and | to the | Son: Ánd | to the | Holy | Ghost;

As it was in the beginning * is nów, and | ever | shall be: World without | end, — | A — | men.