Page:The Up-to-Date Sandwich Book.djvu/25

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of that put slices of broiled breakfast bacon, then put another slice of toast on top of that, with another lettuce leaf followed by boneless and skinless sardines split open, topped by a third slice of toasted bread. Garnish with slices of lemon cut very thin and dipped in finely chopped parsley.


Cut slices of white bread rather thick and toast; trim off crusts and lightly butter. Remove skin and bone from the sardines and lay them on the toast. Sprinkle chopped olives over the sardines and the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Cover with another slice of buttered toast. Serve on a lettuce leaf.


Use sardines in oil, remove from can and put on a platter to drain off oil. Toast thin slices of bread and cut in triangles or squares, and butter while hot. Dip each sardine in cracker crumbs, put on a broiler