Page:The Up-to-Date Sandwich Book.djvu/98

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with a lightly buttered slice of rye bread, and butter upper side of this slice. On this lay a slice of breast of cooked chicken; dust with salt and pepper and lay on that crisp slices of fried bacon; cover this with a slice of white bread. Garnish top with radishes, cut fancy, serve with slice of lemon on the side.


Toast and butter three thin slices of white bread; place a lettuce leaf on the lower slice, and on its top put slices of chicken breast. Then put another slice of toast on top of that with another leaf of lettuce, followed by thin slices of broiled breakfast bacon, topped by third slice of toasted bread. Garnish top with small pickles cut in slices lengthwise. Serve as soon as made.


Toast and butter three slices of thinly cut bread; place slices of cold boiled chicken spread lightly with mayonnaise dressing on the lower slice, with a crisp lettuce leaf. Then put another slice of toast on top of