Page:The Urantia Book, 1st Edition.djvu/14

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Contents of the Book


3.The Attributes of God 44
1.God's Everywhereness 44
2.God's Infinite Power 46
3.God's Universal Knowledge 48
4.God's Limitlessness 49
5.The Father's Supreme Rule 50
The inevitabilities
6.The Father's Primacy 52
The benediction

4.God's Relation to the Universe 54
1.The Universe Attitude of the Father 54
2.God and Nature 56
3.God's Unchanging Character 57
4.The Realization of God 58
5.Erroneous Ideas of God 59

5.God's Relation to the Individual 62
1.The Approach to God 62
2.The Presence of God 64
3.True Worship 65
4.God in Religion 66
5.The Consciousness of God 68
6.The God of Personality 70

6.The Eternal Son 73
1.Identity of the Eternal Son 73
2.Nature of the Eternal Son 74
3.Ministry of the Father's Love 75
4.Attributes of the Eternal Son 76
Omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience
5.Limitations of the Eternal Son 77
6.The Spirit Mind 78
7.Personality of the Eternal Son 79
8.Realization of the Eternal Son 79

7.Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe 81
1.The Spirit-Gravity Circuit 81
2.The Administration of the Eternal Son 83
3.Relation of the Eternal Son to the Individual 84
4.The Divine Perfection Plans 85
5.The Spirit of Bestowal 86
Bestowals of the Eternal Son
Bestowals of the Original Michael
6.The Paradise Sons of God 87
7.The Supreme Revelation of the Father 88