Page:The Urantia Book, 1st Edition.djvu/64

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Contents of the Book


184.Before the Sanhedrin Court 1978
1.Examination by Annas 1978
2.Peter in the Courtyard 1980
3.Before the Court of Sanhedrists 1982
4.The Hour of Humiliation 1984
A new revelation of man to God
5.The Second Meeting of the Court 1985

185.The Trial Before Pilate 1987
1.Pontius Pilate 1987
2.Jesus Appears Before Pilate 1989
The written charges of the Sanhedrist tribunal
3.The Private Examination by Pilate 1991
4.Jesus Before Herod 1992
5.Jesus Returns to Pilate 1993
6.Pilate's Last Appeal 1994
The scourging of Jesus
"Behold the man!"
7.Pilate's Last Interview 1995
8.Pilate's Tragic Surrender 1996

186.Just Before the Crucifixion 1997
Jesus' family at Bethany
1.The End of Judas Iscariot 1997
The thirty pieces of silver
2.The Master's Attitude 1999
"Pilate on trial before Jesus."
"Behold God and man!"
3.The Dependable David Zebedee 2000
4.Preparation for the Crucifixion 2001
5.Jesus' Death in Relation to the Passover 2002

187.The Crucifixion 2012
1.On the Way to Golgotha 2004
"Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me . . ."
Simon from Cyrene
2.The Crucifixion 2006
3.Those Who Saw the Crucifixion 2008
4.The Thief on the Cross 2008
Jesus' charge to John
5.Last Hour on the Cross 2010
6.After the Crucifixion 2011

188.The Time of the Tomb 2012
Joseph and Nicodemus before Pilate
1.The Burial of Jesus 2012
2.Safeguarding the Tomb 2014
3.During the Sabbath Day 2014
What did Jesus commend to the Father's hands?
Status of the personality of Jesus