Page:The Veda of the Black Yajus School (Vol. I) - tr. Arthur Berriedale Keith - (1914).djvu/184

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The Vedi and the Milking of the Cows
[—i. 1. 4

o I hold thee up with the arms of Indra, I seize thee with the head of Bṛhaspati.

p Fare along the wide atmosphere.

q Thou art going to the gods.

 1.3.a Be[1] ye pure for the divine rite, the sacrifice to the gods.

b Thou art the cauldron of Mātariçvan.

c Thou art the heaven, thou art the earth.

d Thou art the all-supporting with the highest support.[2]

e Be firm, waver not.

f Thou art the strainer of the Vasus, of a hundred streams, thou art that of the Vasus, of a thousand streams.

g The spot (stoka) has been offered, the drop has been offered.

h To Agni, to the mighty firmament!

i Hail to sky and earth!

k This is she of all life, this is the all-encompassing, this is the all-doing.

l Be ye united, that follow holy orders,
Ye that wave[3] and are fullest of sweetness,
Delightful for the gaining of wealth.

m With Soma I curdle thee, curds for Indra.

n O Viṣṇu, guard the offering.

 i, 1. 4.a For[4] the rite you two, for the gods may I be strong.

  1. There are considerable variants in the parallels, KS. i, 3; KapS. i. 8; MS. i. 1. 3; VS. i, 2–4. For the Brāhmaṇa, see TB. iii. 2.8; KS, xxxi. 2; MS. iv. 1. 3; ÇB. i. 7. 1, 11–21. Mantra a is addressed to the sacrificial vessels, b–e to the pot or cauldron used for heating the milk, and f to the strainer; g is said over the cows as they are milked. In response to the question, 'Which hast thou milked?' the names in k are given; with l the washing-water is brought up in the dohana, and with m the milk is curdled and deposited with n: see ĀpÇS. i. 11. 10; BÇS. i. 3; KÇS. iv, 2, 19–34; Hillebrandt, Neu- und Vollmondsopfer, pp. 10, 11.
  2. In VS. paraméṇa dhā'mnā is taken by Eggeling (SBE. xii. 187) as connected with dṛṅhasva, but there seems no possibility of doubting the parallelism of °dhāyāḥ and dhā'mnā.
  3. KS. and MS. have the simpler ū'rmiṇā,'' but the sense must be the same here; the reference is to the mixing of the milk with a drop of water (ūrmi).
  4. There are a good many variants in KS. i. 4; KapS. i. 4; MS. i. 1. 4, 5; VS. i. 6–11. The ritual accompanying the Mantras is as follows, according to ÇB. i. 1. 2. 1; KÇS. ii. 3. 10. The Adhvaryu takes the winnowing-basket (çūrpa) and the Agnihotra ladle with the words, 'You two for the rite.' He also takes first one and the other with the words 'thee for accomplishment (véṣa)'; the other texts (MS. VS.) read vām here also, not ivā. The BÇS. i. 4. 5, ĀpÇS. i. 15. 4 apply the first Mantras to the hands, not to the utensils. Then the utensils are heated and the evil spirits consumed. Then the Adhvaryu touches the yoke of the cart which holds the offering and which is behind (i.e. west of) the Gārhapatya fire. The Mantra 'I gaze, &c.', is spoken when he looks at the puroḍāçīya, i.e. the rice, &e.; urú vā'tāya is accompanied by casting a blade of grass away. The next Mantras accompany the offering, and the reference to those that have doors is to the sacrificer's house. The offering is deposited