Page:The Vedanta-sutras, with the Sri-bhashya of Ramanujacharya.djvu/92

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the eight aphorisms of the sixth Adhikarana demonstrate that, according to the teaching given in the Upanishads, the cause of the creation, preservation and destruction of the world is not only not matter, but it is not also any one of the individual souls existing in the universe. The Brahman who is the Highest Person is the Creator ; and He is distinct from matter and distinct from soul. Then the remaining five Adhikaranas shew that it is only this Brahman who is mentioned as the Person within the Sun and the eye, and who is denoted in various contexts in the Upanishads by the words Ahasa, Prana, Jyotis, Gayatrl and Indra-and-Prdna. Accordingly it is proved that the Prakriti and the Purusha of the SfitikhyaS do not constitute the cause of the world, but that the cause thereof is the omniscient and omnipotent God Himself who is wholly pure and abundantly full of all auspicious qualities.